Primary School
Loyola International School
CBSE adopts a holistic yet pedagogical approach to education which allows students to focus on academics while simultaneously pursuing extracurricular interests, such as sports.
Available to students in Classes 1 through 8 (higher grades to follow with each passing year), CBSE’s student-centered curriculum involves a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system ensuring that performance standards are not only met but exceeded.
Universal Education for Enthusiastic Primary Schoolers
Our programme for primary years is designed to be a joyful experience for students between 5 to 12 years, an age where physical and mental growth is accelerated and all encompassing.
At this critical juncture, our faculty step in to identify, nurture and grow the student’s academic and non-academic interests in such a way that information passed to them is measured and engaging, making the learning of the well-developed school curriculum fun and joyful experience.
Academics – See Saw Strategy
Our academic teaching methodology can be compared to a see-saw ride which rises up in a systematic manner, as well as taking you deeper down. This concept of rising higher and going deep – has been adopted in our academic structure which gives our students a good balance between imagination and understanding.
We introduce concepts to students at a young age, and as they move higher academically, these concepts get deeper and more complex. Our qualified faculty is equipped to help students develop an in-depth understanding of each concept in their educational journey, which eases pressure on them while developing within them a life-long love for learning.